Wednesday, October 01, 2008

Gretchen & Jason : Engagement Session

Trust me that I have photographed many engagement sessions over the years. Many! And yet...I don't think I can recall a single session that has ever gone quite like the session I recently had with Gretchen and Jason. EVER! I met Gretchen and Jason through Jacquelyn at A Swank Affair. She recommended our services to them and when we met, we clicked instantly. I knew that we would be in for a real treat for the engagement session, but never thought it would quite go like this...

First off, while we were down by the waterfront, we ran into Vera Katz! You know...the former Mayor of Portland. She actually had a moment (or two) for a picture op with Gretchen and Jason. I couldn't believe it!

Then, we headed over to Broadway to grab some shots under the famous Portland sign. We were clambering around trying to find an ideal spot when all of a sudden -- an individual who must remain anonymous -- offered to turn on the Portland sign lights just for us to take some pictures! How generous is that?!?! Now the time of day was such that the lights do not show their true effect, but the point being, the gesture was VERY kind. Anyhow, there are some additional surprise photos in store for the wedding and I absolutely cannot wait. I'll give you a tiny hint. It has something to do with Mary! LOL!

Thanks Gretchen and Jason. I had an absolute blast! To view your engagement slideshow, simply click HERE.


aa said...

All he pictures are very nice. You have done a great job. I would like to congratulate Gretchen and Jason for their engagement...


Anonymous said...

i like......